Middle School

Experiential Learning and Service Learning

DSHK believes education is for life. Therefore, education must be immersed in real world contexts. Field trips and special events at school are key experiences that help students connect their studies to the world around them. Field trips are particularly special at DSHK because they are related to the units of inquiry. Thus, they vary from year-to-year based on the interests and studies of each cohort.

DSHK students are expected to have a deep sense of responsibility and seek to contribute to the world in meaningful ways. DSHK regularly works with local and global organizations, such as ImpactHK, Feeding Hong Kong, Sowers Action and Save the Children to engage students in community service. Middle school students are expected to broaden their contributions by participating in “voluntourism” activities locally and internationally. Each grade level participates in a “landmark” experiential learning opportunity.

Grade 6: Hong Kong-based service trip (3-5 days)
Grade 7: Greater Bay service trip (1 week)
Grade 8: Southeast Asia service trip (1-2 weeks)


I am not led,
I lead. 

Child Centered

Our children are the curriculum and the world is our textbook.

Chinese Culture

Use “Benevolence, Virtuous, Propriety, Wisdom and …

Dual Language

Educate for tomorrow: Bilingual, Biliterate, high academic …