Middle School

House and Advisory

Social-emotional learning and well-being are critical components of the middle school experience at DSHK. The House advisory period in middle school is a designated time dedicated to fostering holistic development and support for students. In this program, which emphasizes Chinese values, the Character Competence, and Global Competence, students receive mentorship and guidance from teachers while also having the opportunity to build a sense of community and develop conflict resolution skills among their peers. The advisory period serves as a platform for students to explore and reflect upon their personal values, social-emotional well-being, and cultural identity, while also equipping them with the necessary skills to navigate challenges, enhance their interpersonal relationships, and become globally competent individuals.

Another key aspect of DSHK’s House Advisory program is to ensure that each student has at least one adult who can act as their advocate. This can be achieved through whole group, small group, and 1:1 settings. Advisory may include, but is not limited to:

  • Supporting students with organization by helping them prepare for the start of the day and prioritize time after school;
  • Providing students with routine opportunities to seek out adults or peers for help on assignments and/or social issues;
  • Creating a sense of community and ensuring students know that there is always someone that they can turn to for help, whether academically, socially, or personally;
  • Creating a strong support system for each student by supplying a single point-person (their advisor) who will develop a strong relationship with them and their parents.


I am not led,
I lead. 

Child Centered

Our children are the curriculum and the world is our textbook.

Chinese Culture

Use “Benevolence, Virtuous, Propriety, Wisdom and …

Dual Language

Educate for tomorrow: Bilingual, Biliterate, high academic …