Middle School

Core Curriculum

In November 2023, DSHK Secondary School announced that it will partner with Think Learning Studio, which began at THINK Global School, the only traveling high school of its kind in the world. THINK Global School was recently featured in the 2024 Spear’s School Index, which recognizes the top 100 private schools in the world. 

DSHK is excited to partner with Think Learning Studio to design a dynamic, real-world, project-based curriculum, DSHK’s own Changemaker Curriculum. The Changemaker Curriculum combines high academic standards with interdisciplinary, project-based learning. Drawing from the 21st Century’s most innovative and effective educational models, the Changemaker curriculum is structured around three key principles:


The Changemaker curriculum is a process, thinking-based approach rather than an emphasis on rote memorization and facts. The pursuit of mastery involves three stages: 1) apprentice; 2) specialist; and 3) mastership. Students are expected to attain a specialist (analyze, evaluate, and apply) level in the core disciplines and reach mastership in the areas of passion.


DSHK’s motto is “I am not led, I lead.” This is central to the principle of autonomy, in that students are put in the driver’s seat of their learning through voice and choice and supported by the personalized feedback from teachers and advisors. Within the Changemaker curriculum, students are given time to meaningfully pursue areas of interest and passion.


“With great power, comes great responsibility.” As the Changemaker curriculum equips students with 21st century skills, it is important that students also learn their role as part of a broader local and global community. Through the project-based learning approach, students are encouraged to use what they have learned to promote positive change.


I am not led,
I lead. 

Child Centered

Our children are the curriculum and the world is our textbook.

Chinese Culture

Use “Benevolence, Virtuous, Propriety, Wisdom and …

Dual Language

Educate for tomorrow: Bilingual, Biliterate, high academic …